User Tools

Site Tools


Level 1 Headline (6=)

Level 2 Headline (5=)

Level 3 Headline (4=)

Level 4 Headline (3=)

Level 5 Headline (2=)


0 indent

1 indent

2 indent

3 indent

4 indent

5 indent

6 indent

5 indent

2 indent

0 indent
<WRAP indent> 1 indent 
<WRAP indent> 2 indent
<WRAP indent> 3 indent
<WRAP indent> 4 indent
<WRAP indent> 5 indent
<WRAP indent> 6 indent
5 indent
2 indent

table inside list

  1. list 1

    list 1 on multi paragraph 1

    row 1 col 1 row 1 col 2
    row 2 col 1 row 2 col 2

  -- list 1\\
  .. list 1 on multi paragraph 1 <WRAP>
| row 1 col 1 | row 1 col 2 |
| row 2 col 1 | row 2 col 2 |

universal list

  1. Ordered list item 1
  2. Ordered list item 2
  3. Ordered list item 3…

    … in multiple paragraphs

  4. Ordered list item 4
  • Unordered list item
  • Unordered list item…

    … in multiple paragraphs

  1. Ordered list, first level
    1. Second level
      1. Third level
        1. Fourth level
    2. Back to second level

      1. Second?! What happened to third?

      Quiet, you.

  2. Back to first level
  3. Still at first level
Definition list
Definition lists vary only slightly from other types of lists in that list items consist of two parts: a term and a description. The term is given by the DT element and is restricted to inline content. The description is given with a DD element that contains block-level content. [Source: W3C]
Definition list w/ multiple paragraphs

The style sheet provided with this plugin will render these paragraphs…

… to the left of the term being defined.

Definition list w/ multiple “paragraphs”
Another way to separate blocks of text in a definition…
… is to simply have multiple definitions for a term (or group of terms).
This definition list has DD tags without any preceding DT tags.
Hey, it's legal XHTML.
Just like DT tags without following DD tags.
? But DT tags can't contain paragraphs. That would not be legal XHTML. .. If you try, the result will be rendered oddly.
  - Ordered list item 1
  - Ordered list item 2
  -- Ordered list item 3...
  .. ... in multiple paragraphs
  - Ordered list item 4

  * Unordered list item
  ** Unordered list item...
  .. ... in multiple paragraphs

  - Ordered list, first level
    - Second level
      - Third level
        - Fourth level
    -- Back to second level
      - //Second?! What happened to third?//
    .. //Quiet, you.//
  - Back to first level
  - Still at first level

  ? Definition list
  : Definition lists vary only slightly from other types of lists in that list items consist of two parts: a term and a description. The term is given by the DT element and is restricted to inline content. The description is given with a DD element that contains block-level content. [Source: W3C]
  ? Definition list w/ multiple paragraphs
  :: The style sheet provided with this plugin will render these paragraphs...
  .. ... to the left of the term being defined.
    ? Definition list w/ multiple "paragraphs"
    : Another way to separate blocks of text in a definition...
    : ... is to simply have multiple definitions for a term (or group of terms).

  : This definition list has DD tags without any preceding DT tags.
  : Hey, it's legal XHTML.
  ? Just like DT tags without following DD tags.
  ?? But DT tags can't contain paragraphs. That would __not__ be legal XHTML.
  .. If you try, the result will be rendered oddly.

black color code

~~SLIDESHOW black~~
====== 6level ======
== ==

===== =====
==== 4level ====
== ==

===== =====
=== 3level ===
== ==

===== =====
== 2level ==
== ==

===== =====

struct list header

---- struct list ----
schema: ketentuan
cols: kodifikasi, nomor, nul, judul, nul, link
headers: "", "((kodifikasi)) ", "((nomor)) " , "((judul)) " , "((link)) "
sepbyheaders: yes
filteror: kodifikasi = uuno7tahun1983
filteror: kodifikasi = sedp-02pj2015
Nothing found
[[ http://tkb-djp/tkb/engine/peraturan/view.php?id=fc5e676f4e53d22979ffb2172a4cff7f
| Surat Edaran Dirjen Pajak Nomor SE-02/PJ/2015

  - [[ http://tkb-djp/tkb/engine/peraturan/view.php?id=fc5e676f4e53d22979ffb2172a4cff7f
| Surat Edaran Dirjen Pajak Nomor SE-02/PJ/2015
  - lala

Surat Edaran Dirjen Pajak Nomor SE-02/PJ/2015

  1. lala

section include + mermaid

graph LR A(Awal IVR) --> B(Pilih Bahasa) B --> C(NPWP/Non NPWP?) C --> D(Non NPWP) C --> E(NPWP) E --> F(Input NPWP) F --> G(Pilih Layanan) G --> H{1} H --> I("`Lupa EFIN, permintaan Kode Verifikasi (token) dan layanan non DLP`") G --> J{2} J --> K("`Perubahan Data, Penonefektifan NPWP, Pengaktifan Kembali NPWP NE, dan Pemutakhiran Mandiri`") G --> L{3} L --> M("`Informasi dan Aplikasi Ketentuan Umum dan Tata Cara Perpajakan (KUP)`") G --> N{4} N --> O("`Informasi dan Aplikasi Pajak Penghasilan (PPh)`") G --> P{5} P --> Q("`Informasi dan Aplikasi Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) dan Pajak Penjualan Barang Mewah (PPnBM)`") G --> R{6} R --> S(Layanan Pengaduan)

struct codes

PageTypeSupplierInternal number
Server 001Workstation - HardwareCD-C Computer deliverysrv001
Server 01Server - HardwareCD-C Computer deliverysrv01

temporary replacement

from faq


from perkenalan


place to try codes

Empty Output
coba.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/04 12:50 by jack