Table of Contents
Level 1 Headline (6=)
Level 2 Headline (5=)
Level 3 Headline (4=)
Level 4 Headline (3=)
Level 5 Headline (2=)
0 indent
1 indent
2 indent
3 indent
4 indent
5 indent
6 indent
5 indent
2 indent
0 indent <WRAP indent> 1 indent <WRAP indent> 2 indent <WRAP indent> 3 indent <WRAP indent> 4 indent <WRAP indent> 5 indent <WRAP indent> 6 indent </WRAP> 5 indent </WRAP> </WRAP> </WRAP> 2 indent </WRAP> </WRAP>
table inside list
list 1
list 1 on multi paragraph 1
row 1 col 1 row 1 col 2 row 2 col 1 row 2 col 2
-- list 1\\ .. list 1 on multi paragraph 1 <WRAP> | row 1 col 1 | row 1 col 2 | | row 2 col 1 | row 2 col 2 | </WRAP>
universal list
- Ordered list item 1
- Ordered list item 2
Ordered list item 3…
… in multiple paragraphs
- Ordered list item 4
- Unordered list item
Unordered list item…
… in multiple paragraphs
- Ordered list, first level
- Second level
- Third level
- Fourth level
Back to second level
- Second?! What happened to third?
Quiet, you.
- Back to first level
- Still at first level
- Definition list
- Definition lists vary only slightly from other types of lists in that list items consist of two parts: a term and a description. The term is given by the DT element and is restricted to inline content. The description is given with a DD element that contains block-level content. [Source: W3C]
- Definition list w/ multiple paragraphs
The style sheet provided with this plugin will render these paragraphs…
… to the left of the term being defined.
- Definition list w/ multiple “paragraphs”
- Another way to separate blocks of text in a definition…
- … is to simply have multiple definitions for a term (or group of terms).
- This definition list has DD tags without any preceding DT tags.
- Hey, it's legal XHTML.
- Just like DT tags without following DD tags.
- ? But DT tags can't contain paragraphs. That would not be legal XHTML. .. If you try, the result will be rendered oddly.
- Ordered list item 1 - Ordered list item 2 -- Ordered list item 3... .. ... in multiple paragraphs - Ordered list item 4 * Unordered list item ** Unordered list item... .. ... in multiple paragraphs - Ordered list, first level - Second level - Third level - Fourth level -- Back to second level - //Second?! What happened to third?// .. //Quiet, you.// - Back to first level - Still at first level ? Definition list : Definition lists vary only slightly from other types of lists in that list items consist of two parts: a term and a description. The term is given by the DT element and is restricted to inline content. The description is given with a DD element that contains block-level content. [Source: W3C] ? Definition list w/ multiple paragraphs :: The style sheet provided with this plugin will render these paragraphs... .. ... to the left of the term being defined. ? Definition list w/ multiple "paragraphs" : Another way to separate blocks of text in a definition... : ... is to simply have multiple definitions for a term (or group of terms). : This definition list has DD tags without any preceding DT tags. : Hey, it's legal XHTML. ? Just like DT tags without following DD tags. ?? But DT tags can't contain paragraphs. That would __not__ be legal XHTML. .. If you try, the result will be rendered oddly.
past links
black color code
~~NOCACHE~~ ~~SLIDESHOW black~~ ====== 6level ====== == == biru-ungu ===== ===== ==== 4level ==== == == ijo-biru ===== ===== === 3level === == == pink-kuning ===== ===== == 2level == == == putih-abu ===== =====
struct list header
---- struct list ---- schema: ketentuan cols: kodifikasi, nomor, nul, judul, nul, link headers: "", "((kodifikasi)) ", "((nomor)) " , "((judul)) " , "((link)) " sepbyheaders: yes filteror: kodifikasi = uuno7tahun1983 filteror: kodifikasi = sedp-02pj2015 ----
Nothing found
[[ http://tkb-djp/tkb/engine/peraturan/view.php?id=fc5e676f4e53d22979ffb2172a4cff7f | Surat Edaran Dirjen Pajak Nomor SE-02/PJ/2015 ]] - [[ http://tkb-djp/tkb/engine/peraturan/view.php?id=fc5e676f4e53d22979ffb2172a4cff7f | Surat Edaran Dirjen Pajak Nomor SE-02/PJ/2015 ]] - lala
Surat Edaran Dirjen Pajak Nomor SE-02/PJ/2015
- lala
section include + mermaid
graph LR
A(Awal IVR) --> B(Pilih Bahasa)
B --> C(NPWP/Non NPWP?)
C --> D(Non NPWP)
C --> E(NPWP)
E --> F(Input NPWP)
F --> G(Pilih Layanan)
G --> H{1}
H --> I("`Lupa EFIN, permintaan Kode Verifikasi (token) dan layanan non DLP`")
G --> J{2}
J --> K("`Perubahan Data, Penonefektifan NPWP, Pengaktifan Kembali NPWP NE, dan Pemutakhiran Mandiri`")
G --> L{3}
L --> M("`Informasi dan Aplikasi Ketentuan Umum dan Tata Cara Perpajakan (KUP)`")
G --> N{4}
N --> O("`Informasi dan Aplikasi Pajak Penghasilan (PPh)`")
G --> P{5}
P --> Q("`Informasi dan Aplikasi Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) dan Pajak Penjualan Barang Mewah (PPnBM)`")
G --> R{6}
R --> S(Layanan Pengaduan)
struct codes
Page | Type | Supplier | Internal number |
Server 001 | Workstation - Hardware | CD-C Computer delivery | srv001 |
Server 01 | Server - Hardware | CD-C Computer delivery | srv01 |
temporary replacement
place to try codes
Tag | Quantity |
Empty Output |
coba.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/04 12:50 by jack