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Tanya-SC | PPh | Pertanyaan

#58Q Email Dear Sir/Madam, Thanks for the response. As per the below example if 3 employees are in receipt of severance pay then count should be mentioned as 3 in column 4, If in case for 2 employees out of 3 the severance pay does not fall under the taxable slab i.e., withholding tax is “0“ then, should those 2 employees be considered for the count? Please clarify if the count should be shown as 1 or 3 in that case. Best Regards, Pavithra


#58A : untuk Bukti Potong 1721 Final tetap di buat walau pph finalnya 0, jumlah pegawai nya yg pph final nya 0 tetap di hitung.

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faq1/5k28/139513--07-april-2022.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/28 23:49 (external edit)