
Tanya-SC | PPh | Pertanyaan

We are computing the tax liability of a resident permanent employee who passed away in the month of July and his full and final settlement was made in the month of August. For the same, we took an example and computed tax under these two different methods: as per regulation PER-16/PJ/2016 and as per our method. For employee 2 scenario mentioned in the attached sheet we are able to reconcile the tax liability under both the methods, But For employee 1 scenario there is a mismatch in total tax lia


tetap jelaskan untuk contoh penghitungannya ada di Lampiran PER-16/2016. Untuk WP yang berhenti bekerja pada tahun berjalan dan kehilangan kewajiban pajak subjektifnya, ada di Lampiran Bagian Kedua poin I.6.2.2. kita gak ada wewenang juga untuk kasih pendapat, bisa kita arahkan ke KPPnya aja untuk minta penegasan atau biar ditampung juga saran dari mereka untuk nanti diteruskan ke direktorat terkait

Dasar Hukum



faq1/5k17/82556--23-september-2021.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/28 23:15 (external edit)