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index was out of range. must be non - negative and less than the size of the collection. parameter name : index. saat cetak bupot espt pph 4(2)
1. Pastikan SPT, adalah SPT terbaru 2. Coba simpan dulu PDF nya ke folder lain 3. Coba instal patch update yang ada disini https://pajak.go.id/id/aplikasi-pajak/e-spt-masa-pph-pasal-42-versi-210 4. Jika belum bisa, coba minta patch update bug eSPT PPh pasal 4 ayat 2 versi 2.1 ke KPP
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faq1/5k12/57782--07-juni-2021.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/28 23:10 (external edit)